Youth Groups and Activities
All servers are boys who are at least 10 years old and in good physical and mental health.
If your son would like to serve at High Mass, the process is as follows:
Email the parish with your son’s name and date of birth (we need this for safe environment reasons) and request to serve at High Mass.
He will be added to the High Mass schedule and Flocknotes. This means that each month you will get a schedule of when to practice and when to serve. There are currently four serving teams; generally, each serving team will practice after one High Mass and then serve the High Mass the following week, with the next two Sundays off. Teams receive special schedules for holidays and feasts (such as Christmas or Good Friday).
All boys who are beginning servers must be trained before they are ready to serve. This training is conducted by the Masters of Ceremonies (MCs) on each team. A server starts out as torch bearer. Once he has served the position well four times, without making any mistakes, he will be ready to start training for the next position. The positions are Torch, Cross, Acolyte 2, Acolyte 1, Thurifer, and MC. The MCs, young men in their mid- to late teens, are trained by the priests.
If your son would like to serve Low Mass, the process is as follows:
You should email the parish with your son’s name and date of birth (we need this for safe environment reasons) and request to serve Low Mass.
One of the priests will speak to you about what your son will need to do to prepare, but the largest task is to memorize all the Latin responses. These responses can be found on the Low Mass Server Responses page. Frequently it takes several months to learn these prayers by heart.
Once the new server has memorized the prayers, one of the priests will test him to be sure that he can say them from memory. After this, Fr. Pelster will give him a couple of tutorials to demonstrate the prescribed actions, and then he can start serving alongside another server.
Please remember that the sacred liturgy is an important act of worship towards God. The servers, therefore, should be focused on God and on their own roles and do their best to be reverent in their motions. When the servers are careful and focused, it helps everyone in the church to be focused on the gift of the Eucharist. It is a wonderful privilege to serve at the altar, assisting the priest as he offers the Holy Sacrifice, and to kneel within the sanctuary as our Lord becomes present.
All Saints Homeschool Co-op seeks to educate our students in traditional Catholic precepts by faithfully adhering to the Holy Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church and in obedience to our bishop and the Pope. We are grateful for the guidance, structure, support, and teaching offered our co-op by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, here in Minneapolis. Through a structured and solid program, we hope to assist home educators in their tasks as well as unite our community through the many different aspects of our parish life.
Mission Statement: We aim is to assist families in providing a high-quality solid Catholic education so that our children can, in turn, not only become lights, but guiding lights for Christ in the world.
To learn more, visit
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