Sacramental preparation is reserved for registered and regularly-attending parishioners.
Infants – Within the first month of birth. The Godparents must be practicing Catholics in good standing. Please contact the office to schedule.
Adults – Please call the parish office to make an appointment with one of the parish priests.
Confirmation is conferred every two years. Contact the rectory to inquire.
Please arrange at least six months in advance of the anticipated date. Pre-Cana instruction with a priest. Available for registered and attending parishioners only.
Emergency Sick Calls
To inform the priests of a sacramental emergency (in which a person is thought to be in a serious or life-threatening medical situation), please call the parish office and listen to the automated options: 612-379-4996.
45 minutes before Mass
30 minutes before Mass
Extended times on Holydays, First Fridays, and First Saturdays
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