Coming Home: Becoming Catholic

We Are Here to Help

No matter where you are in your faith journey, we welcome you. Below are some guidelines to help you continue your journey depending on where you are. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 612-379-4996 or email us at

Here is a brief video on who Catholics are and what we believe.

There’s an old saying: “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” Maybe you have been away from the Church for a little while or for quite some time, but now you feel a tug at your heart calling you back to the Catholic Church. That tug is your Heavenly Father reaching his arms out to you, the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear, hoping to draw you home.

To begin your journey, simply speak to a priest in our confessionals, or make an appointment with a priest by contacting the parish office (612-379-4996). If it has been awhile since you have been since you have been to confession, you may find our Tips for Confession helpful.

For answers to questions that many ask as they journey home to the Catholic Church, visit

Returning to Catholicism?

If you have either been baptized in another Christian tradition or never baptized, and are considering entering the Catholic Church, we welcome you and hope you join our community!

Right now, you are always welcome at Holy Mass and parish events, but before you enter the Church formally, please refrain from presenting yourself for Holy Communion. This most sacred Sacrament cannot be received profitably by non-Catholics and can be spiritually dangerous (1 Corinthians 11:27).

To begin your journey, make an appointment with a priest by contacting the parish office (612-379-4996). We are praying for you.

Converting to Catholicism

Entering Fully into the Church

If you were baptized in the Catholic faith and have not received all of the other Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation, Eucharist), we welcome you and hope you join our community! To begin your journey, make an appointment with a priest by contacting the parish office (612-379-4996).

The Process at All Saints

Taking into consideration that individuals seeking to enter, or more fully enter, the Church have varying degrees of knowledge about Catholicism, your preparation for coming into the Church is an individualized process at the Church of All Saints. A specific priest will work with you personally as you move towards full initiation into the Catholic Church; he will have books for you to read and will meet with you regularly to learn about and discuss Church teaching. He will work closely with you through this process and determine with you when you are ready to enter fully into the Church. If a number of individuals are concurrently working towards fully entering the Church, it may be decided that an appropriate Adult Faith Formation class may be instituted for a season. To start the process at the Church of All Saints parish, of entering or more fully coming into the Church, contact the parish at 612-379-4996 or