Herbs and fruit will be blessed before the High Mass on the Feast of the Assumption, at 10am, in the Parish Center. Bring your herbs by 9:55am on August 15th. You can also bring fresh fruit such as whole oranges or apples (but please nothing like bananas, grapes or berries…) to eat for health of soul and body on the day (fruit must be fresh). -Herbs and fruit may not be left before August 15th. -Bring your herbs in a container/bag/jar…or tied in sheaves…and labeled with your Last name. -Please SEAL any repugnant or particularly odoriferous herbs as much as possible. -All blessed fruit must be removed from the Parish Center by 1pm on Thursday August 15th. -All blessed herbs must be removed from the Parish Center by 1pm on Sunday August 18.

Is tea a herb? Yes. Is coffee a herb? No. Can I bring a fruit tree or herb plant? No. What about canned fruit? No. The blessing is for picked herbs, especially things that will be used to make remedies or used as remedies, and fresh fruit to eat as a sign of joy and thanksgiving.