As I think everyone knows, the All Saint’s Parish Center is nearing completion. This building cost the parish about 3.4 million dollars and we borrowed about 2 million dollars to make this happen. This loan will be paid off over the next 20 years at 6 percent interest. My finance council suggested that I do a capital campaign soon to see if we can get a head start on the loan. Paying off some of the loan early will greatly reduce the amount we will spend in interest and allow more of the donations to go to paying the principal of the loan. With this in mind, I will be asking for donations this coming September – November with a target goal of $500,000. More information will be forthcoming about this but I wanted to let everyone know ahead of time. Please know that I am very thankful for your support up to this point. I am honored (and a bit shocked) that people trusted me so much and donated so generously to make this building a reality. Hopefully you are all pleased with the new All Saints Parish Center and that you consider your money well spent.

-Fr. Pelster