The Church of All Saints

Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter | Minneapolis, MN

Mass and Confession

Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM (Low), 9:30 AM (Low), 11:00 AM (High)

Monday - Thursday Mass: 12:15 PM

Friday Mass: 7:00 PM

Saturday Mass: 9:00 AM

Confession: 30 minutes before Mass, except on Fridays during Lent

Confession on Fridays during Lent: 5:45 PM - 6:15 PM

Exposition and Benediction

Fridays: 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM, except during Lent

During Lent: 5:20 PM – 6:15 PM with Stations of the Cross at 6:25 PM

First Saturdays: 7:40 AM – 8:45 AM

Who We Are

The Church of All Saints is a parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis staffed by priests of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP). The Masses and Sacraments are offered in the Usus Antiquior (pre-conciliar use) of the Roman Rite.

New to the Latin Mass?


This ancient form of worship, with its beauty and mystery, silence and reverence, continues to be lifted to God every day at many altars around the world. It is the way all Catholics celebrated Mass for more than a thousand years, and we at the Church of All Saints are privileged to carry on this sacred tradition. It is our Catholic heritage.

Yet a first encounter with this older form of Holy Mass can be puzzling. Below, we provide answers to some of the most common questions that the Latin Mass raises. Please click below for our Latin Mass FAQ or Latin Mass Resource pages, where you will find suggestions for further exploration. May God bless you!

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435 4th Street NE, Minneapolis MN 55413



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Parish Registration

If you attend All Saints, registration as a parishioner is encouraged. It assists the pastor to know to whom he is bound to provide pastoral care, enables him to baptize and witness marriages, and to provide sacramental preparation for his parishioners. For this reason, and in justice and charity to the respective pastors, an individual or family should not be registered at two or more parishes, and should be attending their registered parish regularly. If address or status changes, please kindly inform the parish office. Your completed form can be mailed to the church office, 435 4th Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413, or you can drop it in the rectory mailbox or collection basket.

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Flocknote is a communication tool meant to help each parishioner quickly and simply get connected with information about the various groups and organizations at All Saints. By signing up for Flocknote, you will have the option to receive the weekly bulletin, as well as important parish announcements, and to join various groups. Sign up today to get the latest updates.

Online Giving

Please consider donating with the button below via ParishSOFT. You will have the option to make a one-time donation or sign up for recurring donations.

May God reward you for your generosity!