Easter Vigil | Saturday, April 11, 2020 at 4:00 PM
The Church of All Saints is very pleased to announce that we will be having an outdoor drive-in Mass for the Saturday Vigil.
All Masses will be held in the parking lot of Flaherty’s Bowl in Arden Hills. (Flaherty’s Bowl is located at 1273 W. County Road E. Arden Hills, MN 55112.) This is with full approval of both the Ramsey County Sheriff and the Archdiocese.
You can also connect to a Livestream via Zoom or Call in via phone (audio only).
Getting There
Important Details
- Click here: https://zoom.us/j/343519970
- Or, open your Zoom app > Click Join > Enter meeting ID: 343 519 970
- Password: will be sent out via Flock notes prior to Mass
- Call one of these phone numbers: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923
- Enter this meeting ID when prompted: 343 519 970
- Password:will be sent out via Flock notes prior to Mass
Renting equipment and setting it up is not free; your generosity to the parish allows these sorts of things to happen. Online giving is very appreciated. We may also have a collection on Sunday; more details on this will be forthcoming.
Frequently Asked Questions
WHY THERE AND NOT ALL SAINTS? Flaherty’s Bowl was chosen for three reasons. First, it is private property. Second, its parking lot can hold close to 225 cars, with additional overflow spaces, far exceeding All Saints’ capacity. Third, the Ramsey County Sheriff was very accommodating in a way that greatly surpasses what we thought we could expect from the Minneapolis authorities.
CAN I GET OUT OF MY CAR AND WALK AROUND? All attendees will NEED TO REMAIN IN THEIR CARS during the entire Mass. This point is very important; violating this could result in this allowance being discontinued with no chance to celebrate the Triduum or Easter Sunday.
WHAT ABOUT THE DISTRIBUTION OF HOLY COMMUNION? Per Archdiocesan directives, Holy Communion will not be distributed to the faithful either during or after Mass. This directive will be set in place throughout the Archdiocese until normal operations resume.
WHERE WILL THE ALTAR BE AND HOW DO I GET THERE? The Mass will take place under a large tent in the parking lot on the north side of the building. The altar, being built for the occasion, will be at the north end. All traffic coming from either the east or the west will simply need to turn right onto Connelly Avenue, a small street encircling Flaherty’s. Please drive past Flaherty’s and use the east driveway to enter the parking lot. We are asking that bigger vehicles start parking a little more towards the middle or back so as to avoid blocking the view of the altar for everyone. The ushers will assist you.
WHAT ABOUT THE BATHROOM SITUATION? It is highly advisable that bathroom breaks happen before arriving for Mass. Should you or someone in your car need to go during Mass, we are requiring the entire car drive over to Flaherty’s. Simply exit out of the west driveway, and, before getting to the County Road E stoplight, turn left into the little parking lot. (See picture of parking lot below.) An usher will be standing near where your family can get out. We are only permitted to allow one family at a time to go in and use the bathroom. Everyone making use of this is asked to keep an eye on smaller children so that they do not wander around the facility; this will speed things up for everyone. You may then drive back to your parking spot, using the east driveway entrance once again.
BETWEEN THE TENT, THE ALTAR, THE SOUND EQUIPMENT, THE STREAMING EQUIPMENT, AND EVERYTHING ELSE THIS SOUNDS EXPENSIVE. HOW CAN I HELP? Please donate and consider transferring your normal Sunday giving to an online tithe to help support these special Masses and other upcoming events. Right now our Sunday giving the past few weeks is only around 50-60% of what the average had been before this virus hit. Your assistance with this is much appreciated!
Donate to the general tithing fund.
Donate to the special parking lot Mass fund.
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(1) Simply text ’COAS’ to 84576. A reply will come with a link. Click on it, enter a few pieces of information, including your first and last names and your email address. It will then prompt you to click on the names of the various groups and organizations you’d like to receive notifications from and about. All parishioners should click on ‘Parish Announcements’ and then any other groups you’d like.
Or, (2) To sign up by email rather than by text message simply go to churchofallsaints.flocknote.com and follow the prompts.
Second, check out our latest information at fsspminneapolis.org.
You are welcome to share this information with other families as you see fit. May God bless you and your families!